“Christian Peacemaking in Polarized Times” Video Series

Our communities and congregations around the country are grappling with the spiritual crisis of toxic polarization. This six-part video series will help Evangelical leaders, laypeople, and families understand toxic polarization, how it happens, its effects, and what Christians can do to personify peace amidst it.

Episode 1 – What is Toxic Polarization?
Polarization can signal diversity of thought and perpetuate nuance and creativity. However, polarization becomes toxic when people stop arguing about issues and start arguing about identities. How can Christians transcend the toxic polarization in our country and congregations?

Episode 2 – How Does Toxic Polarization Spread?
Our perceptions of one another can alleviate or amplify toxic polarization. We will learn how being made in the image of God (Gen. 1:27) can positively shape our interactions with one another, particularly when differences arise.

Episode 3 – Why Are Groups So Important?
God made us inherently relational, so we naturally form groups. How can understanding belonging help us appreciate our differences without dividing over them?

Episode 4 – What Happens When Our Group Is Threatened?
When we feel threatened, it is natural to get defensive, and often, our defensiveness fuels divisions. How can Christians identify this reaction and turn to Christ for their security?

Episode 5 – What Can We Do? (Part 1)
Christian history is filled with examples of disciples who followed Jesus by speaking out against distortions of the gospel and by upholding the integrity of the faith. What can we learn from these historic examples for our present moment?

Episode 6 – What Can We Do? (Part 2)
Who we are in Christ determines how we live in the world. As we seek to follow in the Peacemaker’s footsteps, we will consider the specific ways that Paul contended for peace in Corinth.