Jesus once said that a house divided cannot stand. This was later quoted and popularized by Abraham Lincoln just a few years before the start of the American Civil War. This principle is true of nations but also certainly true of individual homes. If we want to be peacemakers in society, we must also be peacemakers in our families.
We are very privileged to have Christian apologists Stuart and Cameron McAllister, who are also father and son, join us for a special online presentation called Faith That Lasts: Navigating Polarization in Parenting on March 16, 1:30 pm – 3 pm EST.
Stuart and Cameron will share insights from their book Faith That Lasts. This book outlines three dangerous but prevalent myths: that fear can protect our children, that information can save them, and that their spiritual education belongs to the experts.
If you’re interested, please register below! The first ten registrants to attend will receive a free copy of their book.